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'sindikit Community Conversations #2: DESIDERIUM

a significant element of | 'sindikit | programming includes topical, community driven events. we've partnered with artists, creatives, and culture producers in the immediate region to host a series of Jeffersonian-style dinners that relate to the projects on view. these invitational dinners are structured around the artists’ interests.

tonight's Community Conversation was organized by interdisciplinary artist and 'sindikit FPS curator Jaimes Mayhew. artists Joseph Faura and Jordan Sanford centered the discussion around their performance DESIDERIUM. our conversation covered grief and loss, the social and cultural impact of a vigil, models of direct action, and the need for public catharsis.

we brought together seven artists and creatives based in Baltimore. in attendance were Joseph Faura, Jordan Sanford, Lamont Bryant, Kristen Anchor, Rayne Alexander, Rick Delaney, and of course, Jaimes Mayhew, Tim Doud, and Zoë Charlton!

thank you to this beautiful community of artists! 'til the next dinner!

the | 'sindikit | project is partially supported by the Grit Fund, a Regional Regranting Program administered by The Contemporary and funded by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and the Robert W. Deutsch


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